Air Waybill Edit - Screen 2

This top section of this screen is used to enter the body of the Air Waybill and to rate it.  The following fields are used:
PCS Enter the number of pieces in at least one line.  The same line must have the "C" field filled in.  It should also have GR WT, CH WT and RATE completed.  ITEM is optional.
GR WT Enter the gross weight and units in this field.  Weights may be in pounds (L) or kilos (K)
C Enter the Rate Classification - must be on the same line as Pieces and Weight
ITEM Enter the Rating Item Code - this field is optional
CH WT Enter the Chargable Weight and units in this field.  Pressing F4 will bring up a Dimensional Weight screen.
RATE Enter the rate per unit weight.  See the Rating Documentation regarding automatic rating.
TOTAL The system will calculate the total and enter it in this field.  You may override this amount.
Enter the Description of the freight.  You may use as many lines as fit on the screen.  When the Air Waybill is printed, the system will add the DIMS lines as space is available.  In addition, descriptions with special formats are recognized and tagged for EDI forms of the AWB.

The bottom section is used to enter charges and their associated expenses.  The following fields are used:
CODE Enter a Charge Code.  You may press F4 to look up a Charge Code.
P/C Enter a P if the charge is Prepaid, a C if the charge is Collect
CHARGE Enter the amount in dollars you want to charge the customer
EXPENSE Enter the amount you will need to pay a Vendor.  The expense may be optional or forbidden, depanding on the Charge Code.
INVOICE Enter the Vendor's invoice or Pro number.  This will be transferred to A/P when the transaction is created.
VENDOR Enter the Vendor Number from the Accounts Payable system.  You may press F4 to look up the Vendor number.  A Vendor is required if there is an expense.

This information will be used to set up the Customer Invoice when the Air Waybill is posted.  The Invoice may be edited before it is printed and posted.  You may cause expenses to be immediately set up in the A/P system by placing the cursor on the appropriate line and pressing F14 (usually shift-F4).