Which Statement - In the customer file the CUPAY determines whether an entry payment is type 1 (check), 2 (broker stmt) or 3 (importer stmt). If blank a 2 is assumed. Under control of a system flag (CBOPTS+1 SYSTEM.DATA,ABI) the payor file can be checked if an entry is 2 and changed to 3 if data found for this importer in the PAYOR file. STATEMENT POSTING On statememt updating: I think the logic was added for just this sort of case. In general for warehouse entries only the HMF is included when paying the statement. In certain weird conditions (such as IAD importing wines) a warehouse entry is set up where everything in paid (as on file 68159). I gave up trying to figure it out and added logic so that even when I thought the amount expensed did not match the amount I thought you wanted to pay but it matched the total the USCS said was due I ask that question. In this case I think the amount to be paid is the full $4000 not just the HMF of 29.25. This is a long explanation for saying you probably want to say "Y" pay it anyway!!